"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Welcome to Beijing!

We made it! We are here in Beijing, China! We've been up for over 24 hours now and are getting ready to go to bed, as we are 12 hours ahead of Indiana! We rode on a 777 plane, which held over 300 people. We watched movie after movie, which helped the time go a little faster. We arrived in Beijing about 1:15 pm China time, finally made it to our hotel, exchanged some money, went to a Chinese grocery store, ate at our hotel, and now are ready for bed. We thought the driving in Mexico was bad, you all should see the driving here! I'm glad I am a passenger in a large vehicle and not driving a little car like everyone else. We've met a lot of families in our travel group, so it's been nice getting to know them. So many wonderful stories of how God has worked in their adoption process; it's been great to hear them. We were able to Skype with our children just a bit ago, so it was wonderful to get to see them and hear their voices. I didn't realize how emotional I would be today, just arriving in China! Tomorrow we exchange more U.S. money for yuan and then go see an acrobat show. Scott seems to be making himself fit right in by using his Spanglish; he speaks English but with a Spanish accent to the Chinese people, which are incredibly difficult to understand. He is cracking me up!!! Keep us and our kids in your prayers please, we're missing each other already!!


Crazy Mom of 3 said...

Yeah!!! glad u made it safely and everything is good!!! Miss you very much. But I love this blog!!! It is great!!

Love ya,

Melody said...

So glad you made it safely, and are now getting some rest! Will continue ot pray for God's hand on you and your family. Love Melody

Anonymous said...

So glad you have made it. I have been thinking of you and hoping that you are doing well. I love reading these blogs. I bet you are so glad that you have this capability to do this. How amazing!! Enjoy the show. Sounds like fun. Miss you at kickboxing and at the pool. I will continue to pray for your safety and for Hannah, Luke, and Benjamin too. Love you!! Julie

Kelly said...

Scott & Jill we are watching and parying from Dallas! So very excited to get the good news! We can't wait to hear more about your journey!

Betty, Kelly & Travis