"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hutong, not DONG, Neighborhood, The Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and Most Importantly . . . The Last Day Without Mary In Our Arms!

What an amazing day today!!! We began with a Hutong Neighborhood tour (and yes, Scott called it a “HuDONG”, the dork!). A hutong is a narrow alleyway or street. There are neighborhoods throughout Beijing that are made up of hutongs, which date back 800 years. Families, sometimes as many as 20, share these common areas. The government is giving them money to preserve their homes because they are what the original Chinese culture was like hundreds of years ago, and Beijing is growing so fast, that many of them have been torn down; they are now trying to preserve this heritage.

We were able to visit the inside of a family’s home. It was much nicer than what I expected, with 3 refrigerators and 3 tvs! Scott and I were amazed at how clean these hutongs were. They are very quiet and very safe. We took a rickshaw ride through the hutongs (felt sorry for the man that had to pull us!) It was my favorite thing to do thus far since we have been here. I loved seeing how the Chinese people really live now and how they used to live hundreds of years ago (minus the t.v’s and refrigerators).

We then went to the Forbidden City. That, of course was amazing!!! The city was built from 1406 – 1420 and took 700,000 people to build it. The detail and size of it was a site to see. It spans 8.7 square km from one end to the other, with over 9,999 rooms, just one less than the Purple Palace of Heaven (the Emperor wanted it to be one less than heaven because he wanted it to signify his deity as a Son of God here on Earth). It was built as THE center of the city, where the Emperor lived. Words can’t describe the beauty and pure awesomeness (got that line from Kung Fu Panda!) of the city. You just have to see the pictures, and I’m sure that even that won’t do it justice.

We ended our tour at Tiananmen Square. It is the largest city square in the world. We didn’t see any details about the massacre in 1989; they keep that on the downlow here, even block access to it on the internet! We saw The Chinese History Museum (didn’t go in) and the building where the government does all of it’s business (sorry, we couldn’t remember the name of it). There was also a Memorial for Mao, who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 (before that they had emperors; people got tired of the Feudal system and Mao voted himself in as the leader of the communist party). Mao’s picture is on the South Gate Entrance; he’s quite the hero here in China.

We came back to our hotel room, ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut, and chowed down! It tasted so good!! We are waiting to meet the other people in our travel group, to have a prayer time before we go on to our different provinces. In less than 24 hours we will finally get to meet our Little Miss Mary!! It’s really hard to describe how we are feeling right now. We are so anxious for the sun to go down to go to sleep, so we can wake up and get her. Five years ago we prayed for this day to come, and it’s overwhelming to think that IT IS going to happen. This is our last night without her. This is our last night to wonder what her laugh will sound like, or what her little hands and feet will look like. It’s our last night to wonder how she is being taken care of, or if someone is comforting her when she cries. It’s our last night to NOT have her as part of our family. Please pray for her and for us, that she will transition easily and that she will quickly learn to love and trust us. God is good, and I know He has picked the perfect little girl for us to love and care for.

“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”
– Psalm 34: 3-4


The McCrary Family said...

You had a very full day! The sites that you are seeing are amazing! The trip of a lifetime! Words can't express the emense joy that we have knowing that Mary will finally be in your arms in just hours now! Our God is so very worthy of our praise! We love you guys so much!

Margie Davis said...

I saw Hannah this morning at church and she walked right up to me and told me that you were getting Mary at midnight! She was so excited! Her eyes were simply glowing. p.s. she looked super cute in an orange and white sundress with a white flower thingy in her hair. I have been thinking of you both all day and wanted to let you know that I am keeping you in my prayers and especially so tonight (which is your today) as you get your beautiful little girl. I am praying for an instant bond between the 4 of you (Scott, Jill, Mary and Jesus!) Love you all! Margie

Anonymous said...

Jill and Scott, love all the updates and awesome pictures you have sent. You've done a great job capturing some of the culture. Your stories are so funny and wouldn't have expected anything less of you making it to the top! I've been praying for you guys tonight. I think by now you should have your beautiful baby girl in your arms and my prayer is that she looks you in the eyes and just fall madly in love with you as I know the both of you will her for you have loved her for so long now! Anxious to hear how the day has gone and to see pictures of her. I saw Hannah this morning and she was just beaming from ear to ear. She is going to be an awesome big sister!

Oh and I have a funny one to share with you from Sunday school class. Apparently, one of the kiddos in Jake's Sunday school class (won't mention the name on here) asked Hannah if Mary would know karate. So, that sparked some conversation at home later that day when Jake mentioned it. Jake thought it was funny but then later asked us "Will she?!" Kids are too funny! I'm not sure we have convinced him yet that she in fact won't know karate when she arrives in the states.

Love you and enjoy your precious time with your newest daughter in the Ruddle family. She is very blessed to be placed in such a wonderful family who will love her to pieces. God is Good! He is soooo wonderfully GOOD!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see some pictures of you guys smiling! So you must be enjoying yourselves atleast a little bit!! I tried to write this last night but my computer wouldn't let me for some reason. I was praying for the three of you last night and here it is already morning and you've been holding her now for 4 hours already! I'm sure she is beautiful!!! I can't imagine the emotions you were feeling when they first put her in your arms. Can't wait to see her- hopefully I can be there when you skype the kids so I can sneak a peak. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you had a wonderful day site seeing. I am sure you both won't be able to get much sleep because of getting Mary. I can't wait to see her. Love you both. Julie

Valarie said...

I'm just so excited to know that you have finally got to meet your special little girl, that God picked out just for you all!!! I'm praying that the transition is smooth and that Mary will feel your love and be comfortable with you both quickly! Love that you are keeping us posted on everything! Thanks!! :)

Love you all!