"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Out on the Town with Little Miss

Today was a hot one! In the 100's with a heat index (or they call it "feel like temperature") of 114! We went to visit the Tengwang Pavilion, which was originally built in 653 AD, by the prince of the emperor at that time. It sits right on the Gan River, which is a system of the Yangtze River. The pavilion has been rebuilt 28 times throughout history, due to being destroyed by war. Mary was a trooper through it all. Not one whimper from her the entire time!

We made it back to the hotel around 12:00 and she layed on the gigantic bed of ours, rolled over with a few whines, and passed out!! We are currently awaiting Papa John's to be delivered! Cannot wait!!! We weren't brave enough to try anything but the cheese. Who knows what the "meat lovers" would actually have on it. Last night at the hotel's buffet, they served rooster feet, eel, shark fin soup, sushi, and all kinds of things that I could not identify. They did, however, have "baked chocolate", which was a little piece of chocolate cake! It was wonderful!!! Wanted to go back and get 6 or 7 of them little cakes, but, opted to try the serve yourself ice cream! First bite was good, but it left a strange after taste. All in all, it was a good meal!

We have the rest of the day to just hang out here at the hotel. Mary didn't sleep well last night, which meant Mommy didn't sleep well. Scott has really been great; he's a wonderful daddy! I love seeing Mary cuddling with him. He put her on his shoulders and she immediately grabbed ahold of his ears! Loved it!!! We were getting several smiles last night, even some giggles, which totally melt our hearts! Continue to pray for her cough. It comes and goes. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!!

She loves her Daddy so much already!

Picture perfect!

Who wants to get ahold of that hair??!!

If this picture doesn't scream, "PRECIOUS!" to you, then there is something wrong! :)

Mary loves to giggle at herself in the mirror!

Exhausted after a long, hot day with Mommy and Daddy!


The McCrary Family said...

We can't help but giggle ourselves when we see the picture of Mary giggling at herself in the mirror! Also, it is VERY apparent that Little Miss is EXTREMELY fond of her Daddy. Congratulations, Scott! You have another little girl wrapped around your heart. You are so blessed to have two beautiful daughters who think you are the smartest, greatest, best guy in the whole world. The scenery pictures are beautiful, and the picture of the three of you together does nothing other than make our hearts very happy! Love you!

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

Love love love all the pictures!!! Love the one of Mary sitting on Scott's shoulders. It is hot there, i think it is just as hot here, Just saw our heat index is 111! Yucky. It just feels nasty. Glad Mary is a trooper through it all!

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the pavilion look so pretty! Glad to hear she was a cooperative tourist- not too many 1 year olds would be!! If it were me I would be ordering pizza for every meal I think. (Surely you did NOT try the rooster feet). Our kids were in tears when I told them your kids weren't coming over this morning; maybe we'll invite them to Chicago's for the lunch buffet (that's probably cruel to mention good american pizza right now isn't it??). So glad to see that she is already so attached to you both. I wonder if Scott is the first male she's ever really had contact with?? It's adorable to see her with him in these pictures. One week from tomorrow! Can't wait!

Samantha Trueblood said...

Nothing better than a belly laugh and some ear tugging. Oh and the mirror picture is just priceless!She's too sweet and adorable!! I am so very thankful that she loves her Daddy and has taken to him. I wondered how she would respond to him because I assumed (and my assumption could be totally off) that she probably hasn't been around men.

Praying for the heat to let up a little for you guys and I have always said that if I went to another country that served such "unique" food, I would definitely obtain my ideal weight in no time!

Great pictures and again thanks for sharing your journey with all of us! Praising God again for the wonderful "hand-picking job" He did when He placed Mary with the Ruddles!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruddle family!! I haven't been home to post so you are getting a few posts right now. I just can't get over how precious Mary is and the great pictures of the sites. I love them!! So sweet. Julie