"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Today was a long day! We started the day with an orientation meeting at the hotel, with all 15 families that are traveling with us. We then went to the Bank of China and exchanged our U.S. money for Yuan. I made myself look like an idiot. The girl who was helping me apparently asked me to let her know how she did when she was done exchanging my money. So, I bent over at what looked like a microphone and said in my loud, slow, American voice "You did a very good job". She started laughing at me and I didn't understand why, until I saw the box with buttons that I was supposed to push instead. I felt like dork. But, oh well, I'm sure it's not the last time I will look like a dork here in China. There are 7 families in our travel group that are adopting from the same orphanage, so we all wired our money to that orphanage so that we don't have to carry around all of that money. It's good to know that part is done! After the bank we went to see The Flying Acrobats, which were an amazing group of what looked like young kids that could bend, twist, and jump pretty much any direction!! I did have trouble staying awake, however, so I'm sure I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have! We ended our day with a trip to the Chinese restaurant in our hotel. We thought we were ordering one dish of bbq pork, and they brought out like 5 different dishes, soup, and fruit. We tried it all, but did not continue to eat it all. We visit the Great Wall of China tomorrow, so I'm heading to bed to rest up for that big trip. Thanks for your prayers!


The McCrary Family said...

I LOVED hearing you tell the story of the box at the bank! That would have been something that I would have done here in America! You had a "Stephanie moment" in China! What great memories you are creating and fun stories to share! The acrobatic pictures are amazing. How beautiful! Love you guys!

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

i laughed at your story about the bank~~~ it reminded me of my aunt going to the license branch and using her debit card and the girl telling her she had to giver her pin number and my aunt spoke into the pen that you write with. lol

Anonymous said...

Funny, funny story. I have been posting comments, but I have checked and don't see mine so I am going to retype them. Hopefully you will get them. Sounds like a neat show. We've been thinking of you and praying for you every day! Julie