"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Day at the Cloisonne Factory and Great Wall!

Today we started our day off with a tour of the Cloisonne Factory in Beijing. Cloisonne is an art that has been around for between 700 and 800 years. Copper is formed into it's particular shape, and then these meticulous little ladies take thin strips of copper, bend them to their desired shape, and then glue them to the copper item to form a pattern. Then, they take an enamel powder mixed with water and fill in the areas between the copper strips, and then they fire them in a kiln. They were beautiful!! It was amazing to see what these ladies had made. They were making vases, bowls, plates, decorations, all kinds of stuff!

We then went to the Great Wall, which was situated between 2 sets of mountains, which we can't remember. Scott said the Jeng Dong mountain when I asked him what the names were, but he was WAY off. There was no DONG in the name!!! It's been funny to hear him pronounce the names of the cities that we will be visiting! The Great Wall was so crowded. The first set of stairs there was just shoulder to shoulder people, sweating and pushing. It was stressful!!! But, when Scott and I got past the first set of stairs it was much better. We got quite a work out! I was the first one to reach the highest point in our group! There was only one more person that even tried, and it wasn't Scott because he was down aways puking because he had gotten so hot and was working so hard. We had gotten our pictures taken several times with Chinese people; everyone is very interested in Scott's goatee and bald head! This one young kid had taken Scott's picture earlier and then saw him again, this time puking, and he started to take his picture! I was laughing and pointed my finger and said "No, no!!" Later, a beetle flew into my ear, and thanks to Erin Bollhorst who had told me a story about a beetle burrowing into someone's ear, I flipped out and hit it . In the process of flipping out I hit my earring and it flew over the Great Wall. I'm like, "Seriously?" So, I took the other one off and threw it over too!! Going back down was just as hard as going up. My legs felt like noodles and I was just waiting for them to give out. I accidentally kneed an older Chinese man and I'm pretty sure he cussed me out in Chinese! I just smiled and said "Sorry!" I mean, really, what are you going to do?!!

So, here we are back at the hotel, ready to collapse!!! 2 more days and we get to finally meet Mary. It's very surreal to think that we are here, touring China, and our daughter is just miles away waiting on us. We figured out that Mary will be the youngest child in the whole travel group, which consists of about 19 families. Everyone is so nice and it's wonderful to hear their own stories, of how God has worked in their lives and throughout the adoption process. Tomorrow we will go to the Forbidden City and Tienenem Square. We are looking forward to it being our last day in Beijing. One day closer to Mary!!

*Note: Jill and Scott are unable to access the blog or Facebook while they are in China. Both applications are blocked. They can see your comments on Facebook because they are sent to her email, but they are not able to reply to them. Even though they are unable to see your comments on this blog while she is in China, please still write some! If you have trouble, you can send me (Stephanie) a message, and I can tell you how. It is very easy! They are excited to be able to have this blog to look back on when they get home, and they will be able to read each of your comments then. Also, they will be able to print all blog entries and comments for Mary's baby book as well so that Mary will always have them.


The McCrary Family said...

I would not have used those toilets either! YUCK!! I must say that OF COURSE you were the first one to reach the highest point in your group! :) I love all of the stories about Scott, too! I'm sure you guys are having some wonderful time of laughter! What an amazing day you had in an already incredible journey! What makes it even better is that you are that much closer to having Mary in your arms! Love you and miss you so very much!

Anonymous said...

Ok, those toilets are NASTY! But, I guess it's better than nothing? Amazing pictures. It's really neat to be able to follow along with you guys on this journey. I showed Hannah the pictures of the acrobats and she said something about seeing them at the state fair - ha! I'm sure it was much more impressive than that. Continuing to pray for you guys. Love you!


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!! When we flew into Indpls. the 28th I instantly thought of you guys. Wondering where you were. I have the prayer request card beside my bed to remind me to pray daily. (thanks Stephanie for making the cards)
The earring story is hilarious!! I can just see you flipping out trying to get the beetle out of your ear. Then tossing the other earring over the wall.
Enjoy this time together with any kids. I'm sure it's hard to be so close and not see Mary. This precious baby girl that was born in heart, will soon be in your arms!! Keeping you and the family in our prayers.
We love you all!
The Pettijohns

rdavis said...

Jill you are so competetive. Hats of to Scott who tried and got so much further than I would have. Exciting times.

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

Of course you were the first one to the top. Nobody would expect anything different. When I was readying your blog and you got the part of the bug flying in your ear, before you even wrote about what Erin had told us, I was thinking the same thing. Too Funny!!! And I can't just see Scott talking to everybody! You are in our prayers daily!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so enjoying every moment that you have written about. What an experience to tell Mary about. Our prayers are being given up daily for you and your family. Love, Rosie

Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures. I hope Scott feels better!! I would be puking too. The earring story was so funny. About the toilets do you squat or what? I probably would be wearing a depends if I was there. Ha Ha. Jill I really ddn't know you were so competitive. LOL Miss you both and I am continuing to pray for you. Julie

Valarie said...

The pictures are great! So glad you sent them! I wouldn't have even tried to climb to the top, to much for me!! I'm so very excited that you are so close to getting Mary! I'm can't imagine how excited you are! Thanks for keeping all of us posted!
Love you,