"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Monday, July 26, 2010

Why This Blog?

Five years ago, God laid upon our hearts (and slapped us in the face!) that we should adopt a little girl from China. We went to a concert in Louisville, KY, and listened to Steven Curtis Chapman give his little talk on China adoption. I left feeling as if we should pray about it and see where God would lead us. A couple of months later, we went to the same concert in Indianapolis, and got to, once again, sit through his talk. I vividly remember sitting there in Conseco Field House with tears rolling down my face as I felt this was truly what God wanted us to do.

Not long after that came Mother's Day, and, again, I remember running early that day through the neighborhood and I thought to myself, "I do not want to spend another Mother's Day without our Little Miss Mary!" So, I ran home and told Scott we needed to adopt, and he said, "Who am I to argue with God?", and thus our journey began. Obviously God's timing is much better than mine, because I went through 5 more Mother's Days without Little Miss Mary being here with us.

So now, here we are, 5 years later, getting ready to embark on a journey that God has planned out for us. It's been a long wait, but God has been gracious and patient with us, and I know that He specifically picked out Mary for our family. We can't wait to get our hands on Little Miss, to finally get to hold her, squeeze her, kiss her cheeks, hear her little voice, and love the living day lights out of her!!

Please pray for our family, as we will be away from our 3 precious kids for 2 weeks as Scott and I travel to China to bring Mary home. It will be tough being away from them, but we know God is in control and has gotten everything covered!!

Enjoy following our blog, put together by my creative, beautiful, best friend Stephanie McCrary. She's the brain behind the blog and I can't tell you how much I appreciate her taking this on for me!!!


The McCrary Family said...

I know several excited little girls who can't wait to see the real Mary. They play "pretend Mary" all the time. They have even been to China several times to pick her up. They are so cute and excited as well as many other people. We will be praying for you!! I cannot wait to hear all about it.
Later, Jeff

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

I am so very excited to have this blog to follow!!!! I can't wait to get the updates. It is such an exciting time for your family. We will pray continually for safe travel, and for your family.

Love ya bunches

Valarie said...

I'm so very excited for your whole family! I can't wait to read the updates and hear all about Mary, can't wait to meet her for the first time!! I can remember when Jill let me borrow Benjamin's Homeschool folder and he had written about Mary, those pages made me smile and now I'm covered with goosebumps thinking about you meeting her for the first time! We will be praying for you all!

Love ya bunches!!