"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last Blog Entry From China!

Well, today is the last blog entry from China!! It is bittersweet in that we will be leaving wonderful friends that were made and that we will never forget. It is, however, more sweet than bitter, because I cannot wait to get off of the plane and squeeze the dickens out of our 3 beautiful children that have been at home this whole time!!

We started the day off with "Red Couch Pictures". Nothing too mind boggling, just pictures of the babies on a red couch in the lobby! It's a tradition. There were a lot of babies too! The picture of the large group is all of the moms with their adopted children, so throw in the dads and a few other biological children and you'll get a good idea of how large our travel group was!
Mary was wonderful, of course, looking absolutely darling as ever!

When we finished with the pictures we went to the Wholesale Pearl Market. I went because I wanted a jade ring, and the wholesale jade market was right next door. It was all so beautiful! But, they were a lot more expensive than I thought they would be and bargaining with them wouldn't have made much of a difference I don't think!

We hit Lucy's, again, to split a burger and fries for lunch. There was a really bad storm that came through when it was time to leave, but thankfully we had an umbrella! That, however, didn't help me to NOT slip and fall down, looking like a complete idiot. I had warned Scott to carry Mary because my shoes were slick, so I'm thankful that he did! I was drenched! Good times; good memories!

We are awaiting the delivery of the children's visas and then I think we are having Papa John's pizza! Still have to go back and say goodbye to our good Chinese friend at the shop. We've met so many amazing people on this trip. It is mind boggling to me how God hand picked each and everyone of us to come to China on this trip to adopt these amazing children. If you have ever thought even a little itch to adopt, please, please pray about it. It is an amazing gift that God has given each and everyone of us the ability and funds to do. So many people say, "it's too expensive". It is a lot of money, but if God lays it on your heart to do it, He will find the funds for it. We had the money 5 years ago to do it, but times change and we didn't have the money in our hands for this adoption until 2 days before we left for China. God is good, and He will provide a way for you to do His work. And, oh, the blessings you receive from doing His will are just amazing. (I've been using that word a lot in this blog entry, haven't I?) The stories that people have shared with us about losing their own children to death, miscarriage after miscarriage, infertility, I mean, our story is so boring compared to what others have gone through. Don't get me wrong, I like boring sometimes!! Boring can be good!!! Anyways, please know that adoption is something that God wants us to do, so if you feel that tug, He will provide a way to make it happen. It may take 5 years, but He will make a way!!!

*Note: Jill was able to get her jade ring afterall! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Official!

Today we officially became the parents of Mary Tongxin Ruddle in the eyes of the U.S! We had our U.S. Consulate appointment at 3:00, with a BUNCH of other American families. We signed some paperwork and then stood and took an oath swearing that all of the information we had provided was accurate and true. I was, surprisingly, emotional as soon as we were done, but quickly realized I was not alone in that!! Now all we have to do is pick up her visa, which has been approved, and then we are done with the adoption process. As soon as we fly into U.S. airspace she becomes a U.S. citizen. We have to apply for s.s. card and birth certificate, but, that is nothing compared to all the other stuff we've had to do. Just one more night here in Guangzhou. Scott is very ready to leave because it's just shop after shop, and, really, there is no reason for us to be here any more since we have all of the paperwork done!! We're praying that Wednesday goes by quickly, but more importantly that Thursday the 12th goes by even quicker. Please be praying for us starting your Wednesday night at 5:30, because that is when we begin our journey home. We leave here Thursday the 12th, but because we are 12 hours ahead, it's as if we go back in time, and we arrive in Indy on Thursday the 12th at 10:15 pm. It will be a LONG day!!


One very happy and proud Mommy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Open Market

Monday we started our day off by visiting our Christian friend, again! This time I didn't buy anything from her! We took our laundry there to be done since she has a laundry service, and we took some pictures of ourselves, our email address, and a Louie Giglio DVD "How Great is Our God". I had packed it away for Scott and I to watch, since we both love Louie, and thought how wonderful it would be to get to share that here in China. She was pretty excited. She and her husband live across the street from their shop. She pays $150 a month for rent; no air conditioning and she said it is not nice at all. She has a little girl that is 6. She ended up buying Scott and I ice cream cones!

Later we went with some other families to the Open Market. It was a sight to see. Booth after booth of people selling dried goods: grains, nuts, spices, snakes, cockroaches, frogs, centipedes, tongues, feet from some small animals, sea horses, squid, mushrooms. I have NO idea what they use all of that for! I have no idea how they make ANY money because there were hundreds of booths that were all selling the same stuff. We made our way through a very dark and narrow alley and hit the "wet"market, which is their meat market. We got there during their nap time apparently, because so many people were napping and there very little meat being sold. We saw some pig heads that had been cut in half and some other pork. No USDA there!!! Scott and another guy is going back this morning. Their busy times are from 9-12 and 3-6. We also hit the vegetable/fruit market on our way out. It all looked SO good, but, they say you have to peel everything you get because of the bacteria. There was some crazy man that came up to us and was ranting and raving, we think, about us adopting the girls. This may have been my second cussing out from a Chinese man! Other locals, however, shook their heads and smiled at us as if to say "Don't listen to that freak!" Everyone else we've encountered have been very nice.

We ended our day with dinner at a Cantonese Restaurant, where they put all of the food on a lazy susan and it is served family style. It really was pretty good. Nothing to crazy to eat. There were live eel, snakes, fish, and turtles right outside the entrance, so we were a bit apprehensive going it. Our guide, Shyan, told us she had ordered conservative food for us!
We finished our supper, did some more shopping (Scott has been a real trooper!), and came back and were in bed before 10:00!

How sweet is this face??!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shamian Christ Church

Today we had the opportunity to worship with fellow Chinese believers at Shamian Christ Church. It was amazing. The service we went to was done in Mandarin and English. We sang a song in English and then they would sing one in Mandarin. It literally brought tears to my eyes to hear them belting out their love for God in Mandarin. It was something I'll never forget. We know from Voice of the Martyrs that the Chinese church is extremely persecuted and yet it is the fastest growing church in the world. We were surprised to see that there was even a Christian church,but we think that they allow the church here on Shamian Island because there are SO many Americans that stay right across the street. I'm sure the Chinese government is hoping that we think the rest of China allows this freedom to worship, but we know better. The sermon was on wisdom, and the preacher would speak in Mandarin and then the interpreter would speak in English. He spoke about Adam and Eve and referred to them as ancestors. Scott and I loved that. I don't know that I have ever referred to Adam and Eve as my ancestors, but I will now! After the sermon and lady gave her testimony. She, too, had an interpreter. She read Psalm 23 at the end, with tears coming down; it was a blessing to see and hear.

We came back to the hotel, napped, shopped, ate at Lucy's (AGAIN), and shopped some more. We went back to our friend's shop that met yesterday, the one who invited us to church. She said she saw us there. We are going to go back to her shop tomorrow to exchange email addresses. She is beautiful on the inside and out!! She is a definite breath of fresh air and has been a blessing to get to know.

Tomorrow is a free day. Planning on going to the local meat market. We hear they've got EVERYTHING under the sun there. They raise dogs and cats, to eat! They butcher right there! So, for those of you who have weak stomachs, be prepared for tomorrow's pictures to be eye opening!!

That's right! She's sleeping in her crib! YAY!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 2 in Guangzhou

Today we took Mary and 18 other little ones to the local doctor to have their exams for their visas. We were fortunate to be one of the first ones to get in and out of there!! Mary was great, no shots, no cries! On our way back to the hotel we walked by the Shamain Park. There are statues all over the place, really cute ones and really funny ones, like the ones I posted. We made it back to the hotel, took naps, did the last of our paper work and paid the last of the adoption fees. Scott even took Mary for her first swim in the pool! She seemed to enjoy it; there was no crying! She was pooped out when we got back to our room after the swim; no crying when she was put in her crib! WOOHOO! The entire adoption group went back to Lucy's, the place we ate at last night. We pretty much filled the entire restaurant. Scott had "American" fried chicken, which looked like chicken planks from LJS; just as greasy too! I had chicken fried rice. Not as good as PF Changs, but was still good. We went shopping afterwards, got some great deals, and met an incredible young lady. She owns her own store and out of no where started talking about Jesus and God. It was amazing to hear someone who could get in a lot of trouble be so excited to share what God has done for her. It was also very humbling because I have all the freedoms that these Chinese people want, and yet I hesitate to share the Good News with people. She invited us to church in the a.m. It's a Christian church here on the island, that speaks Mandarin and English. We are scheduled to go on a tour of a Folk Art Museum, but we decided to skip it. I mean, really? How many times will we ever have an opportunity to go to church in China?

Friday, August 6, 2010

We're Here in Guangzhou!

We made it! The last leg of our trip has begun. Today we flew from Nanchang to Guangzhou, where we will finish this adoption story up! We left our hotel about 12:30 and arrived at our new hotel, The White Swan, at about 5:30ish. The hotel is very nice. It's on Shamain Island, right along the Pearl River. The shops that are right outside our hotel look like the French Quarter in New Orleans, they are very nice. We ate at a place called "Lucy's", which we are all super excited about! They had all kinds of American food and boy were we ready for some good ole American food. Scott got a double cheeseburger and iced tea, which he loved! I had a grilled chicken breast (don't worry, it's not healthy!) with cheese and bacon and some kind of sauce on top. AND THEN finished off the wonderful American supper with a piece of apple pie ala mode! Yummo!!! The pie was not anything to brag about, but, it didn't stop me from eating the whole thing! Mary has been great! She has been smiling and laughing and really starting to kick her legs, which is great because her leg muscles are really weak. She still has trouble going to sleep on her own, which is ironic because she has been putting herself to sleep for 8 1/2 months now! We let her cry for a while tonight and I couldn't handle it any longer and picked her up. She got calmed down and is now sleeping in her crib. I'm not sure how long she will stay in there, but I'm hoping for awhile! Tomorrow we have doctors appointments and some other kind of paper work in the morning. I'm looking forward to going to bed so we can wake up and get the next day over with so we can come home!!

Travel group


The White Swan Hotel - GORGEOUS!

Who doesn't love Peyton and the Colts, right??!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

People's Park and a Gorgeous Fountain Show

Today we went to People's Park here in Nanchang. It was big and beautiful. They take a lot of pride in their parks, and it shows, as it was so clean and well kept. We saw local people doing their Tai Chi, we saw dancing, calligraphy, paddle boats, exercise equipment, carnival rides, bee keeping, you name it, it was there. It was SO hot! Poor Mary was a trooper though, and didn't complain one time!

We came back to the hotel after that, where we thought for sure that Mary would take a nice long nap. She, however, decided to come out of her shell and show us her personality, which was just fine by us. We finally got to hear that belly laugh, you know, the one that will make even the grumpiest old man smile! It was priceless!!! So, of course we did it over and over!!

Later in the evening we went across the river and watched a water fountain show that the city puts on every night, unless it is raining. It was beautiful! The city is gorgeous at night, all lit up.We are now ready go to hit the sack; exhausted!!!

Tomorrow we fly out to Guangzhou for the last leg of the trip! One more week and we'll be home! Can't come soon enough!!!