"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Official!

Today we officially became the parents of Mary Tongxin Ruddle in the eyes of the U.S! We had our U.S. Consulate appointment at 3:00, with a BUNCH of other American families. We signed some paperwork and then stood and took an oath swearing that all of the information we had provided was accurate and true. I was, surprisingly, emotional as soon as we were done, but quickly realized I was not alone in that!! Now all we have to do is pick up her visa, which has been approved, and then we are done with the adoption process. As soon as we fly into U.S. airspace she becomes a U.S. citizen. We have to apply for s.s. card and birth certificate, but, that is nothing compared to all the other stuff we've had to do. Just one more night here in Guangzhou. Scott is very ready to leave because it's just shop after shop, and, really, there is no reason for us to be here any more since we have all of the paperwork done!! We're praying that Wednesday goes by quickly, but more importantly that Thursday the 12th goes by even quicker. Please be praying for us starting your Wednesday night at 5:30, because that is when we begin our journey home. We leave here Thursday the 12th, but because we are 12 hours ahead, it's as if we go back in time, and we arrive in Indy on Thursday the 12th at 10:15 pm. It will be a LONG day!!


One very happy and proud Mommy!


The McCrary Family said...

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21
The evening before you received Mary last week, God placed this verse in my head when I was thinking and praying for you, and it hasn't left my thoughts as I continue to think of you guys. Hearing the news that Mary is now "officially" Mary Tongxin Ruddle, made me think again of this. ". . . immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine . . . " Wow. The journey in China is almost complete and we PRAISE Him for the immeasurable joy He has blessed each and every one of us with through you and through Mary's life. We can't wait to continue following your journey here at home and continue to see how He continues to be faithful to you . . . to all of us. Our God is an AWESOME God! He deserves so much more than we give Him! Look out Mary! You've got a lot of love coming your way!
Love you all!

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

As I was reading your blog entry this time I had tears running down my cheeks. And we all know that I am NOT a crier. I am so unbelievably happy for you. I know it has been said many times by others and even myself, but thank you again for sharing this incredible journey with us. I love the pictures, the stories and everything. So thank you!!! Love you and miss you and can't wait to see you all!

Love ya

Valarie said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best news I have heard since I got the call that Barry was back on US soil!!!!! I sit here with tears in my eye full of joy for you all!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the picture of Mary laughing, the joy on her face is PRICELESS!!!! I am so excited that we got to be part of this journey through the blog, emails, pictures and prayers!!! Love and Miss you so much!!

Samantha Trueblood said...

Oh My Jill and Scott, words have escaped me! I hadn't been able to get to your blog for a couple of days but haven't stopped praying for you guys. I played catch up tonight and again am blown away by all God is doing on this journey that is so openly obvious that it is His work being done. This is one trip that will stay forever fresh in your minds, I think! What an awesome blessing! Thanks again for sharing it with us all. I love, love all the pictures but the last one you posted of Mary chewing on her toes, is just too precious! She looks like she has been yours all along with how comfortable she looks with both of you. Praising God for it all and will continue to pray; especially for an easy and uneventful trip home. Mary Ruddle, you make an absolutely beautiful American! Oh and when you guys come, please don't bring the hot weather you have been having with you. We had a 99 degree day today (at least), not sure what the heat index was but at a certain point, I dont think it makes that much difference! Anyway, I'm so ready for some cooler weather as I'm sure you all are!

Anonymous said...

So glad it's official. How wonderfu. I love the picture of Mary laughing. I am sure by the time you see this post, you will be home. Sorry it's been late to post. Julie