"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 2 in Guangzhou

Today we took Mary and 18 other little ones to the local doctor to have their exams for their visas. We were fortunate to be one of the first ones to get in and out of there!! Mary was great, no shots, no cries! On our way back to the hotel we walked by the Shamain Park. There are statues all over the place, really cute ones and really funny ones, like the ones I posted. We made it back to the hotel, took naps, did the last of our paper work and paid the last of the adoption fees. Scott even took Mary for her first swim in the pool! She seemed to enjoy it; there was no crying! She was pooped out when we got back to our room after the swim; no crying when she was put in her crib! WOOHOO! The entire adoption group went back to Lucy's, the place we ate at last night. We pretty much filled the entire restaurant. Scott had "American" fried chicken, which looked like chicken planks from LJS; just as greasy too! I had chicken fried rice. Not as good as PF Changs, but was still good. We went shopping afterwards, got some great deals, and met an incredible young lady. She owns her own store and out of no where started talking about Jesus and God. It was amazing to hear someone who could get in a lot of trouble be so excited to share what God has done for her. It was also very humbling because I have all the freedoms that these Chinese people want, and yet I hesitate to share the Good News with people. She invited us to church in the a.m. It's a Christian church here on the island, that speaks Mandarin and English. We are scheduled to go on a tour of a Folk Art Museum, but we decided to skip it. I mean, really? How many times will we ever have an opportunity to go to church in China?


The McCrary Family said...
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The McCrary Family said...

I had typed a comment, and it was full of errors. Like several, and then I stopped dead in the middle of a sentence and didn't even finish it, so I had to go in and delete it! So, let's try again. Here goes . . .
We're so thankful that Mary is sleeping a bit better and seeming to feel safe in her crib. Love her swimsuit! It was super cute on the hanger in the store, but she makes it super adorable!!! We know badly you must miss your kids, and for that we are so beyond ready for you to come home, but we are also so very thankful for this special time that the three of you are sharing!

Valarie said...

Yeah for Mary not having to get any shots!!! She just gets more adorable in every set of pictures!! It is amazing that God led you to a Christian and to a church while you are there! That is just another testimony you will come home with! We love and miss you, all 3 of you!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad mary likes the water. I can't wait to have her come and swim!! Hopefully we can get a couple more swim times before we close the pool. beautiful pictures as always. I am so glad she didn't have to get any shots. Praying for you!! Julie

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

Love the pictures!!! Very glad she is sleeping better. That makes it very nice. That is great she didn't have to get any shots. What a blessing.