"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Monday, August 2, 2010

What We've All Been Waiting For!

On the plane to Nanchang to get Mary!

Adoption Center



Already wrapped around Daddy's heart.


Safe and sound in Mommy's arms.

First bath time with Mommy and Daddy!

Snuggle bug!


Goonight. Sleep tight. It's been a remarkable day!


The McCrary Family said...

Little Miss Mary - you are BEAUTIFUL! The picture that I have had hanging on my fridge since May is beautiful, so I knew you would be, but you are even much more beautiul now that I have "seen" you again! You are truly a sleeping beauty!
Jill and Scott - these pictures are proof of God's faithfulness and unfailing love! Praise God! You are a beautiful family. Now, we've just got to get you home so that you can have a true family picture with everyone!

Anonymous said...

THanks so much for sharing your thoughts and especially your pictures of your beautiful baby girl! I am so happy for you all!!!


Boothbloggers said...

I'm Jeff and Stephanie's cousin Kristy-and I am crying tears of joy over these pictures and the fact that this sweet little baby has an awesome family! She is so beautiful and I will be praying for you all and for her little cough to go away! I love reading about God working through His people through adoption! It is AWESOME!!!! THanks for sharing your journey!!

Valarie said...

Oh my!! She is beautiful!! I love the pic of her in your arms Jill and the one of her sleeping and the one of her in Scott's arms after the bath! I am over filled with joy for you all! So glad to hear that she put on a show with her big brother's and sister!!! I can't wait to meet her and give you both a big hug! Love you bunches!!!

Praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

I have been keeping up on the blog and kept checking back to see when pictures of Mary would be posted. I am so thrilled for the Ruddle family to be adding another adorable child to the mix. Can't wait to meet Mary in person and watch her play in the yard with Mac can't imagine what she will think of him. Just a warning Logan will be over a lot more, she loves babies. Congratulations, The McGuire's

Anonymous said...

Oh My, what a beautiful baby girl! I have tears rolling down my cheeks for this wonderful gift God has given all of you, including Mary. Thanks for sharing your precious day with us and I'm so very thankful that she has responded well to you both and appears to be a happy girl. Looking forward to meeting her in person!

Congratulations, again! Samantha

April Streeval said...

She's beautiful and so blessed to have such great parents. Now, get that kiddo home so we can all spoil her!

Jessalyn said...

Wow!!! What a beautiful experience and a BEAUTIFUL baby girl to welcome into your family! I could not stop the tears of happiness from flowing as I read the Gotcha Day post and looked at all the pictures. Mary is absolutely precious and I'm sure you're both bursting with love for her already! May God bless you all as you continue your journey!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, Aunt Jennifer is a blubbering mess right now! The pictures are awesome! I asked Hannah today what she thought of Mary, and she said, "She's perfect!" And she is. God is so good. So happy for you all and can't wait for you to be able to get home and have your whole family together again. I know you're looking forward to that too. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! She is precious. The whole family loved the pictures!! Of course I had to be the one crying. I am so happy for you and Scott. Julie

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful and gorgeous!!! Cant wait to see her in person!
~Rachel Whitaker

Laura said...

This is so incredible! I'm so incredibly happy for you all. What a joyous day! She is absolutely precious. We're praying for safe travel, for bonding to happen easily and quickly, and for God to show how He has knit her together remarkably as your daughter. Can't wait to see you all.
~Matt, Laura, and Abigil

Anonymous said...

Precious Mary, you are loved by so many people already! God has greatly blessed you with an amazing family!! A family that loves God with all their hearts and will love you with all their hearts! Your family has been praying for you for 5 years and loved you before knowing you.You Mary, were born in their hearts,of all the mommys and daddys waiting for a baby girl, God hand picked your mommy and daddy! Oh how He loves you!

Scott & Jill~My heart is leaping for joy for you! I've been praying that Mary would feel at home once she was in your arms. Looks like God answered those prayers!! She looks sooo content and happy! Thanks again for sharing this love journey with us!
Love and prayers going up!
Blessed by Him,

Crazy Mom of 3 said...

When I first saw all these pictures, it was a tearful mess. My favorite is the one called Sleeping Beauty. I love pictures of babies sleeping.