"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Matthew 18:5

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Forbidden City Tour

Hall of Supreme Harmony, and finally . . . a picture of Jill and Scott! Yay!

Hall of Preserved Harmony Examinations

Emperor's Garden

Emperor's Garden

Arrow Tower


The McCrary Family said...

Very cool pictures! Great picture of you two! What memories and what happiness!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention in my other post that I've learned a lot just reading your blog. So, thanks for sharing so much with us all.

Oh and Scott, I feel for you. I would be having the same troubles with pronouncing all those places, too! Anyway, just think of all the history you'll be able to teach your kiddos but perhaps Jill should be the one teaching the history and you can share the experiences and sounds like you've had quite the experience with the elimination "problem" on the race up and with being famous among the locals. ;)

In all seriousness, I couldn't be more happy for you. Congrats because today you "physically" became the proud parents to Little Miss Mary! I'm sure she is every bit worth the wait you have had.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jill and Scott. What amazing pictures these are and to be able to experience this. I bet you probably didn't much sleep in your anticipation to get Mary. I can't believe it is happening after all this time. I can't wiat to kiss and hug her. Julie