Well today is a lot less exciting than any other day that we've been here. No grand tours were taken or sites to see. Just a somewhat relaxing day with our precious Little Miss. She slept pretty good, waking up at 12:30 and 4:30 in the night. She's not wanting to eat much, so I'm praying her appetite comes back soon. We left the hotel at 10:00 and went to get our paperwork notarized and pay the last fee here in the Jiangxi Province. We then went back to Walmart (just like home, hitting Walmart everyday!) and got some medicine for her runny nose and cough, and a few other items. That Walmart was something else! I thought the Greenwood Walmart was crowded; this one was ridiculous. Not only was it crowded, but wow, the different stuff they have was mind boggling. I don't think I've ever seen so many different things to eat on a stick before in my life. Their deli was enormous, selling all kinds of cooked meats ( at least I think it was meat) and dishes. We hit KFC on the way, and I ordered the popcorn chicken and mashed potatoes. Not sure if the chicken was chicken or not, pretty nasty! Scott had 2 Original recipe pieces of chicken, and it wasn't too bad; not exactly like home though. We came back and napped the rest of the afternoon. Like I said, nothing exciting or grand to tell. Tomorrow we will be touring a little bit in the a.m. Today's temp was up to 103, so it was very hot! Hope you enjoy the pictures of her!

We love the pictures of her after she fell asleep while playing. Love the outfit, too. I remember when Hannah wore that, and then Elaina wore it, too! It very well may have come from Sarah. :) Glad you had a relaxing day to get to know your new daughter. Love you guys and miss you so much!
She is so beautiful! You all look very happy in the photos. Little Mary is very lucky to have you two as parents, she will forever be loved!! Can't wait to meet her someday. I hope you three have a very safe trip home. All the pictures are wonderful, she will love looking at them to know how it was where she was born. I will be praying for her to get over her cold or whatever it might be and you all to be happy and get home safe when you come back.
With <3 amber and alvin
The excitement is just now beginning! Little Miss Mary looks very content with Mommy and Daddy. Appears she was relieved to have a relaxing day so she could enjoy napping. She is so beautiful. Glory be to God! AA
I love all the pictures!!! They are so precious!!!!
Congratulations on the adoption of Mary! I have been praying for your family. God is so good!
Trina Lake
What a precious little girl!!! I love these pictures. OK, and the Chris Tomlin song playing in the background I always need tissues around. So happy for you and Scott to finally get your little princess. Julie
Enjoy the pictures...how could we not! Taylor's words and I whole-heartedly agree "oh-ohhhh, she's a cutie. She's sooooooo adorable!" They are all priceless and I always love to watch a sleeping baby and the one with her finger in her mouth is just too cute!
Thankful you were able to have a relaxing day with her! Sorry, you're having to visit WALMART during a trip like this but then thankful because they normally have what we need!
Loved your song choice. Tomlin is my favorite and this particular song gives me goosebumps when I hear it.
Hoping you get a break in the heat (us too)! A whopping 94 degrees right now at 3:30pm but it feels like 105 according the web. I just know when I walked outside it about sucked the breath out of me.
Looking forward to hearing how your touring went today with little Mary along. Praying that everything continues to go well and that she begins to eat a little better for you. I know when our little ones aren't eating well, it bothers us Mommas!
Ooops, forgot to sign my last comment sent at 3:46pm on 8/4/2010. In case you didn't figure it out, it was Samantha
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